Rampart Homes, Inc.
Design, Construction, Renovation |
Connie Belmont Sarasota Real Estate Expert |
Request Sarasota Area Real Estate InfoTo avoid spammers & hackers, we no longer use traditional Internet Forms which are frequently abused. We still want to provide you the type and amount of information you desire, so I offer the following two ways to contact me. Choose the one that best suits your needs and interests. 1) For An Immediate Response.Call me on my cellphone at 941.228.9682 anytime during the day or in the evening. I'd be happy to answer your questions and provide the specific type and amount of Sarasota information you request. 2) Send Me An E-MailPlease include at least your name, address, email address, and phone number plus any other information you believe will help me give you the information you seek. If you are interested specifically in only one community (e.g. Sarasota, Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, etc), a specific community or neighborhood only or about a specific home or condo you've seen advertised, please give me that information as well. I believe everyone, from first-time home buyers to the multi-million dollar investor deserves respect and dedication from a real estate professionaland i promist to deliver just that to you. Please understand that for me to respond to your request, you must include at least a valid phone number and e-mail address.Thank you. |